Lessons learned

Alongside the successes and milestones, there was plenty of learning throughout the ten years of NEXT. Read more here.

The NEXT Review

The NEXT Review This Review covers the journey of NEXT over ten years and includes the back story, way of operating, key milestones and various lessons learned along the way. Read more here


Check out some of the accomplishments that made NEXT proud. Read more here

NEXT Stories introduction – Sunset Reflections

Reflections at Sunset by Bill Kermode Kia ora koutou, and welcome to the fourth and final issue of the NEXT Stories. NEXT was launched ten years ago and as we approach our ten-year spend down, I’v...

Successes, learning and the future

Successes, learning and the future Reflections at sunset • Annette and Neal Plowman are the founders of NEXT, a ten-year spend down foundation, with a strategic focus on the environment and educat...

Sustaining the gains

Sustaining the gains Beyond NEXT • NEXT is a limited life Foundation and planning for transition and sustainability of grant partners began at the point of NEXT investment • NEXT looked to suppor...

Fellowship Roopu Tuatoru

Fellowship Roopu Tuatoru On the systems change frontier • In 2019 NEXT turned its attention to growing leaders in system change, via the NEXT Fellowship • The vision is to build, connect, and gro...

The Centre for Strategic Philanthropy

The Centre for Strategic Philanthropy An invitation to give thoughtfully • The Centre for Strategic Philanthropy (CSP) is a place for givers with a strategic, business-like approach to meet, share...

NEXT vision, objectives and values

Guided by stars Vision, objectives and values NEXT’s vision reflects the philosophy of it’s founders, Annette and Neal Plowman, and their particular areas of interest in environment and educat...

NEXT friends

Caring for the land and people A whole lot of help from our friends NEXT’s vision is to leave a legacy of environmental and educational excellence for the benefit of future generations of New ...

NEXT Foundation Fellowships

Growing strategic agents of change Summary Aotearoa New Zealand is facing serious challenges - social, environmental, economic and cultural - many of which are complex, embedded, fractured and...

NEXT team and community

Creating a legacy for future generations The importance of people The NEXT team and community aspire to make a transformational difference for future generations of New Zealanders NEXT is a...

Guided by stars

Kia ora koutou, and welcome to the third issue of NEXT Stories. NEXT was formed eight years ago and I’ve been musing over recent months how much has changed during that time. We have witnessed C...

NEXT Champion Geoff Ricketts
From NEXT Foundation

Giving encourages giving. On top of the generosity of our founders we are also privileged to have many other generous New Zealanders giving NEXT their time, expertise and experience to help achieve ou...

Introducing NEXT Champion Laura Lee

Giving encourages giving. On top of the generosity of our founders we are also privileged to have many other generous New Zealanders giving NEXT their time, expertise and experience to help achieve ou...

December 2021

Kia ora friend of NEXT, When we set the education and environmental initiatives NEXT supports the challenge of coming up with an image and one sentence to illustrate their highlight of 2021 for our...

Spring Edition – September 2021

Kia ora friend of NEXT, With Aotearoa New Zealand in another lockdown it seems apt that this newsletter features a story from former PFNZ 2050 Ltd CEO Abbie Reynolds on conservation as a catalyst f...

Nextgen and philanthropy for Aotearoa New Zealand

How could philanthropy be reimagined in Aotearoa New Zealand? In this edition of NEXT Outlook Te Radar hosts a panel discussion with future young leaders Inspiring Stories CEO Guy Ryan; NEXT Fellow Ju...

Conservation as a catalyst for wellbeing

In this edition of NEXT Outlook, Predator Free 2050 Limited CEO Abbie Reynolds discusses how the predator free movement’s benefits go far beyond saving more than 25 million birds a year and helping pr...

Fight for the Wild – podcast series

A podcast series by freelance environmental journalist Dave Hansford has been released to compliment the video series of Fight for the Wild. “Predator Free NZ 2050 is by far the biggest and best news...

Fight for the Wild episode four – Hope

In the final episode of Fight for the Wild, we travel to predator free Hauturu-o-Toi / Little Barrier Island to see what the vision of a predator-free Aotearoa could look like. We discover breakthroug...

Fight for the Wild episode three – Battle

Fight for the Wild episode three focuses on the mahi being undertaken to save New Zealand’s endangered bird species.While bird song is receding across New Zealand’s mainland, hundreds of community-led...

Fight for the Wild episode two – Defiance

New Zealander’s have drawn a line in the sand, announcing that Aotearoa will rid the nation of rats, stoats and possums by 2050. We’ve been successful on off-shore islands, but what will it take to ex...


New Zealand’s ambitious goal to become predator free by 2050 is under the spotlight in a four part documentary and podcast series that is released next week - a project supported by NEXT. The docum...

Fight for the Wild

NEXT is excited to be a funder in a four part documentary series on the Predator Free 2050 movement - Fight for the Wild. Fight for the Wild takes viewers into the wild heart of Aotearoa and docume...

Te Manahuna Aoraki monitoring endangered lizards

Do you know how important lizards are to protecting the biodiversity of the South Island High Country? This TVOne News story explains why - and why its important to monitor the endangered species i...

Kiwi return to the Kaitake Ranges

After decades of absence kiwi have been returned to the Kaitake Ranges in Taranaki. A fabulous milestone for NEXT supported environment initiative Taranaki Mounga, other conservation groups and the pe...

Rotoroa Island celebrates 10 years

Rotoroa Island is celebrating10 years as a wildlife sanctuary - and visitors over Easter were treated to a kiwi release. The island was closed to the public for 100 years as The Salvation Army’s dr...

NEXT Outlook returns

After a twelve month Covid hiatus - our NEXT Outlook breakfasts have returned. Despite a couple of postponements NEXT was delighted to be able to host a NEXT Outlook breakfast in mid March, where gues...

Hike of the humble hedgehog

TV One News reports on a research project underway into hedgehogs at NEXT supported environmental initiative Te Manahuna Aoraki. Hedgehogs are a major predator in the MacKenzie Basin - so the resea...

Predator Free South Westland launched

New Zealand’s most ambitious predator free project launched New Zealand’s largest and most ambitious predator free project will provide a pathway towards the country’s goal of being predator free b...


An online blogging programme that helps children from low income communities keep up their academic progress in the summer holidays has proved to be a success. NEXT Foundation funded the development o...

NEXT environmental initiatives reflect on 2020

[video width="1200" height="600" mp4="https://www.nextfoundation.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Environment-Video-2020.mp4"][/video]   We set the environmental initiatives NEXT invests i...

NEXT education initiatives reflect on 2020

[video width="1200" height="600" mp4="https://www.nextfoundation.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Education-Video-2020.mp4"][/video]   We asked the education initiatives NEXT invests in to...

ZIP and Cacophony Project awarded funding

Two of the environmental initiatives NEXT supports have been awarded funding by PFNZ2050 Ltd. The Cacophony Project and Zero Invasive Projects have both been given funding to develop tools to help ...


Project Janszoon, an environmental initiative NEXT supports restoring the ecosystems in the Abel Tasman National Park, has reached a signifiant milestone. It has trapped over 40,000 rats over the p...

Te Manahuna Aoraki releases annual report 2020

Te Manahuna Aoraki - an environmental initiative NEXT invests in, has published its 2020 Annual Report. It outlines all the mahi being done on this collaborative project to restore the biodiversity...

PFNZ 2050 Limited releases annual report

Predator Free New Zealand 2050 Limited has released its annual report. Chair Jane Taylor and CEO Abbie Reynolds says it has been a dramatic year - with Covid-19 presenting challenges and opportunit...

ZIP 2020 Annual Report

Zero Invasive Predators has released its 2020 Annual Report. The report outlines progress on the Perth River Valley project where ZIP has undertaken the biggest ever mainland predator eradication p...

NEXT Newsletter – October 2020

In this edition of the NEXT newsletter, Wellington welcomes some new rare residents, we introduce you to the second cohort of NEXT fellows, the Ministry of Eduction collaborates more closely with phil...

NEXT announces new cohort of Fellows

NEXT is delighted to support seven Fellows over the next year in various educational and environmental fields. Read the full publication here.

Predator Free NZ 2050 Limited announces new CEO

Abbie Reynolds has been appointed CEO of Predator Free NZ 2050 Limited. Abbie is the former Executive Director of the Sustainable Business Council and takes over the role next month. Photo credi...

Learning from Lockdown
From The Education Hub

The Education Hub has released a report profiling New Zealand’s learnings from lockdown. It looks at what did and didn’t work for students, parents and teachers when the first Covid-19 lockdown closed...

NEXT Newsletter – August 2020

Kia ora friend of NEXT He rangi tā matawhāiti, he rangi tā matawhānui A person with narrow vision has a restricted horizon, a person with wide vision has plenty of opportunities. Looking for...

Protecting the Environment from Mounga to Moana

Taranaki Mounga DOC Ranger Tama Blackburn loves his Waitara community. He describes his connection to Koro Taranaki, and his community volunteering efforts with Waitara taiao (natural environment) and...

Taiohi Enhance their Connection to Koro Taranaki

Tiki Toa, is a fabulous programme for intermediate children of Taranaki - focussing on their connection to to Taranaki Mounga, the taiao (natural environment) and Te Ao Māori (Maori world view) to sup...

South Taranaki Students Sound Off on Stoats

Students from Auroa School in South Taranaki are helping provide a safe haven for endangered species on Taranaki Mounga. They have developed a solar powered audio system to lure stoats into traps - an...

Making a START Toward a Rewarding Future

Trevor Walker - Trevor is from START Taranaki, a programme that supports young men in the youth justice system. Trev has found a new happy place - on the Mounga, where he is building traps and cutting...

Project Janszoon – Saving Rare Native Snails

The Abel Tasman National Park is home to two rare native snails - including a critically endangered species. In this video NEXT supported environmental initiative Project Janszoon looks at the intense...

NEXT appoints Environmental Operations Director

NEXT Foundation has announced it has appointed an Environmental Operations Director. Stephen Hall has more than 20 years experience in natural resource management, and will take up the role in Octo...

Elliot Bay saved from development

Iconic national surf beach Elliot Bay has been saved from development - with the Ipipiri Nature Conservancy Trust managing to secure a deal in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis. NEXT is one of many ...

Covid-19 Opinion – What’s NEXT?

Our Relationship with Nature in the age of Covid-19 By Devon McLean NEXT Environmental Advisor What would happen in New Zealand if we applied the mutual care attitude we adopted during the Covi...

NEXT Newsletter – April 2020

Kia ora friend of NEXT. Welcome to the NEXT newsletter “Lockdown edition” - we hope you and your families are safe and well during these challenging times. Just as Aotearoa New Zealand was enter...

Farewell to Sir Rob Fenwick, KNZM KStJ

NEXT Foundation is saddened to hear of the loss of iconic environmentalist Sir Rob Fenwick, KNZM KStJ. Sir Rob was a valued mentor and friend of the NEXT Foundation team, a regular guest speaker ...