Public conservation park and wildlife sanctuary

Rotoroa Island is a predator free public conservation park and wildlife sanctuary in Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf, about an hour’s ferry ride from downtown. In 2007, NEXT benefactors Neal and Annette Plowman committed to a 99 year lease from the Island’s owners, The Salvation Army, and in 2008 the Rotoroa Island Trust (a pre-NEXT project) embarked on a massive project to return the Island to its natural state. It eradicated pests and revegetated the Island with 400,000 native plants, transforming it into the beautiful haven and ‘island of restoration’ it is today. Native species have been returned and the island is a creche for young kiwi and takahē. Tieke (saddleback), popokotea (whitehead), pateke (brown teal), and shore and moko skinks have been translocated to live on the island.