Business success is a relative term. It may mean you’ve built a business, helped build a business, or done very well in the business you work in – to the point where personal comfort and security are no longer an issue.
Philanthropy, arts, science and technology – Kea has published it’s full list
of winners of the 2018 World Class NZ awards – where NEXT founders
Neal and Annette Plowman took out the Supreme Award.
NEXT Founders Neal and Annette Plowman – who are helping fund
the restoration of Abel Tasman National Park – were recognised as
Supreme Winners at the Kea 2018 World Class NZ Awards.
Neal and Annette Plowman are one of New Zealand’s most generous
couples. We chart their philanthropic journey over the past 15 years.
NEXT Founding Chair Chris Liddell, CEO Bill Kermode, the Board and the Plowman family
have paid tribute to NEXT founders Neal and Annette Plowman, upon the announcement
they are joint recipients of the 2018 Kea World Class New Zealand Supreme Award.
NEXT founders Neal and Annette Plowman have been
announced 2018 Kea World Class New Zealand Supreme
Award winners. The award acknowledges their outstanding
contribution to New Zealand through their philanthropy.
NEXT champion Frank Janssen has been awarded the Plowman medal for his
generous contribution to NEXT’s education
investments. Thank you Frank for your valuable
insights – straight talking – and your philosophy
of giving back.
NEXT environmental advisor Sir Rob Fenwick talks conservation and farming on this week’s episode on TV One’s Country Calendar.
“He waka eke noa.. we are all in this together. We need help, let’s paddle the waka together..” Jamie Tuuta, Maori Trustee, CEO Te Tumu Paeroa, Chair Taranaki Mounga, on kaupapa Maori iwi and philanthropy, shares his insights into Maoridom today; philanthropy – and how iwi and philanthropists can work together for a better New Zealand.
Friend of NEXT Chris Simcock has been awarded a fellowship in the inaugural cohort from the Edmund Hillary Foundation.
Chris explains his new direction and how NEXT foundation influenced a career move….
No kiwi, no kea, no kaka – NEXT environmental advisor Sir Rob Fenwick explains in the NZ Herald why New Zealand just has to become Predator Free.
NEXT environmental advisor Sir Rob Fenwick has declared a call to arms to protect our country – in a national battle against invasive predators.
In a speech for NEXT Outlook Sir Robert says toxins and genetics should be part of the weaponry – but with the right careful but bold strategy a Predator Free New Zealand can be a reality.
..according to Ian Narev, Chair of the NEXT supported Springboard Trust and CEO of the Australian Commonwealth Bank.
Ian shared his insights into Enabling Outstanding Educational Leaders at a NEXT Outlook, thought leadership breakfast in Auckland.
NEXT is pleased to present its inaugural Review – documenting the NEXT journey over its first two and a half years.
The Review updates all the NEXT and Foundation initiatives in our focus areas of the environment and education – plus
comments from the NEXT leadership team.
NEXT CEO Bill Kermode recently visited US philanthropic foundations on a research trip with Chairman Chris Liddell – where a foundation in Boston introduced him to the concept of “venture philanthropy.